The Helmholtz Munich is a research center with the mission to discover personalized solutions for the prevention and therapy of environmentally triggered diseases and promote a healthier society in a rapidly changing world.
The Institute of Biological and Medical Imaging (IBMI) of the Helmholtz Munich is a multi-disciplinary academic research structure strongly integrated with the Chair of Biological Imaging (CBI, Chair: Prof. Ntziachristos) at the Technical University of Munich. IBMI research focuses on innovative optical and optoacoustic methods that enable novel visualization of living biological tissue. The Institute has 11 laboratories ranging from engineering to biological and medical research, is home to researchers from more than 25 nationalities and promotes independent career development and diversity. With a broad international presence and many prestigious awards, IBMI leads imaging and sensing technologies, advances biomedical discovery and translates novel sensing technologies to clinical applications.
HMGU enters GLUMON as coordinator and lead engineering entity.